Historians examine the past to form a meaningful image of events previously hidden, partially understood, or deliberately misinterpreted. 历史 is based on a foundation of documents, 小说, 地图, 档案材料, 回忆录, 数字, 工件, and factual data combined with scholarly writings and 分析. It is a field of study that is part social science, 部分诗歌, and always a humane quest for understanding. To know what is true about the past may be impossible, but the effort has its own rewards. 学生在历史上解读世界的能力可以改变他们的意识和生活. Propicit qui respicit: One who looks back looks forward.

Many approaches to 历史 are introduced within the department’s program. Courses on the ancient world, 中世纪, contemporary Europe and America, 中东, 非洲, 亚洲, 拉丁美洲和加勒比构成了课程的核心,旨在鼓励广泛的历史探索. 社会, 文化, 知识, 政治, and transnational histories carry students across various areas and time periods.

Majors master the skills of critical reading, 分析, 解释, 和写作 and are introduced to mutually reinforcing approaches to the past. Graduates go on to successful careers in academia, 法律, 业务, 政府, 社会服务, 还有许多其他领域,因为通过历史研究传递的工具和世界观为许多领域的努力创造了一个跳板,这些领域依赖于历史学家学到的技能.

100级和200级的课程是本专业高级研讨会和写作课程的基础. Each is a portal that introduces fundamental historical perspectives, chronological ordering schemes, and the secondary literature that defines the fields surveyed. 在这个层次上也有方法论课程,介绍研究历史的方法和使用原始资料的方法.

历史专业的一个主要重点是基于第一手资料的原创性研究,以及综合证据和相关史学材料的论文或论文的创作. 我们专业的上层——300级研讨会——由小型研讨会组成,其目标是培养基于原始资料的原创项目. 网上也有大量的原始资料,如果在当地找不到,可以通过图书馆的参考资料部随时获得.


The 历史 Department’s learning goals can be found 在这里.

在2023-2024学年,历史系将实施新的专业要求.  这个新专业反映了历史学科的活力,为学生提供了更广泛的选择和机会.

我们将在这一年的课程中更新这一部分,学生们也将与他们的导师一起了解这些变化带来的新机遇.   所有新专业, and current majors in the classes of 2025 or 2026, will follow the new requirements (although current majors may petition to opt out).  2024届学生的专业将继续遵循以前的专业要求(见下文)。.


NEW MAJOR 需求 – For all new majors and current majors in classes of 2025 and 2026

Majors are required to complete ten approved 历史 courses with grades of C- or better. 那些选择荣誉途径的人(见下文)必须完成12门经批准的历史课程,成绩为C-或更高, and a cumulative average of A- or better. At least eight of the courses counting toward the 历史 major, including the honors thesis and 嘘300, must be completed at Trinity or in academic programs taught, 赞助, or approved by Trinity faculty.

In the interest of shaping a trajectory from lower-division to higher-division courses, 学生最多可以申请两门100级和200级的课程,在他们计划毕业的学年学习.

  • 选修课 (5学分)选修课程可选自历史系任何级别的课程.
  • 300-level seminars (4 credits) Students are required to take a minimum of four 300-level seminars. 该专业认可的所有300级课程都是指定的研讨会和精读课程, 讨论, 和写作, either in the scholarly literature or the primary sources of a certain field, or in some combination of both. All 300-level courses fulfill the Writing Part II requirement.
  • 嘘300. 历史研讨会 (1学分)本课程是所有历史专业学生的核心教学经验,需要一个主要的研究项目. 建议学生在计划毕业的学年之前的春季学期完成本课程. 学生追求的组合途径的荣誉(见下文)可以采取第二部分在他们的大四. 历史研讨会 fulfills the Writing Part II requirement.
  • Thematic Concentration 所有专业必须设计一个主题集中,确定一个主题或想法,连接上述十个学分专业的五个课程. Of these five courses, at least two must be at the 300-level. 集中必须证明地理多样性如下:至少有三门课程覆盖三个不同的世界地区,或者至少有三门课程是全球范围的. 学生可以选择将历史系以外的一门课程计入他们的专业, but it will not be counted toward the ten-credit major. In consultation with a 历史 department faculty member, normally the major advisor, 学生必须写出一篇500字的描述,描述他们的专注,包括讨论所选择的主题或想法, how it has been engaged by courses already taken for the concentration, a plan for future courses, and a statement of how the concentration demonstrates geographic diversity. 描述应不迟于计划毕业的学年前春季学期预注册咨询周的周五提交给历史系行政助理,并由部门委员会审查. 在此日期之后申报历史专业的,必须在申报时提交专业说明.


历史荣誉: 所有希望获得荣誉的历史专业学生必须完成12门经批准的历史课程,累积GPA达到a -或以上. There are two pathways to honors:

  1. Thesis pathway: The ten-credit major plus a two-credit senior thesis (HIST 498, 嘘499), culminating in a public presentation in the spring of their senior year.
  2. Portfolio pathway: The ten-credit major plus two additional credits, 其中一个必须是嘘300的第二部分,另一个必须是历史系300级的研讨会. 赢得荣誉, 遵循此途径的学生必须提交一份由三篇专业课程论文组成的作品集, including at least one primary-source-based research paper or one public-facing project, by the spring semester prize deadline in their senior year. 作品集必须附有一份声明,描述它与部门的学习目标和学生设计的集中程度的关系. Instead of thesis presentations, this pathway culminates in a “portfolio interview” with a group of faculty members, normally those who taught the courses for which the papers were written.


PREVIOUS MAJOR 需求:  Majors who are graduating in 2024, or who matriculated before 2020, follow the previous major requirements.


Majors are required to complete 12 approved 历史 courses with grades of C- or better. 那些选择论文选项的人必须完成11门经批准的历史课程和一篇2学分的论文,成绩为C-或更高. At least eight of these courses, including the senior thesis and 嘘300, must be completed at Trinity or in academic programs taught or 赞助 by Trinity faculty. In the interest of shaping a trajectory from lower-division to higher-division courses, 学生最多可以申请两门100分和200分的课程,这些课程是在他们大四的时候修的. 院系荣誉的授予将基于在历史课程和毕业论文中的优异表现.

Distribution Courses (5 credits)

Students must complete five distribution courses at any level (100, 200, or 300) in order to acquire thematic, 地理, and chronological breadth in the discipline. Each requirement must be fulfilled with a distinct course:

  • One course in European 历史
  • 一门课程.S. 历史
  • One course covering a time period before 1700
  • Two courses in areas other than Europe and the U.S.

嘘300: 历史研讨会 (1 credit)

This course constitutes the central pedagogical experience for all 历史 majors. 它指导学生使用档案和其他原始资料撰写一篇主要的研究论文, as well as in engaging with historiographical debates and historical 分析. It is expected that students will complete this course by the end of their junior year. 历史研讨会 fulfills the Writing Intensive Part II requirement.

300-level seminars (5 credits)

Students are required to take a minimum of five 300-level seminars. 该专业认可的所有300级课程都是指定的研讨会和精读课程, 讨论, 和写作, either in the scholarly literature or the primary sources of a certain field, or in some combination of both. All 300-level courses fulfill the Writing Part II requirement.

Elective (1 credit) or Thesis Option (2 credits))